Kafchin, Hortensia Mi


Hortensia Mi Kafchin

*1986 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Lives and works in Cluj-Napoca and Berlin, Germany.

About Hortensia Mi Kafchin

Hortensia Mi Kafchin studied from 2005 until 2010 at the University for Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca.
Like a number of artists had Hortensia Mi Kafchin in the former Paint-Brush-Factory in Cluj-Napoca a studio until 2016. Her work created a playful and creative cosmos, where thoughts transform into material structures and matter becomes thinking. Living organism connect themeselves with technical machines und fields of energy fill up with data of knowledge.

Small sketchbooks accompany the artist the whole day and getting filled with drawings for an endless number of ideas and concepts.

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