The Cube at Toplocentrala Gallery in Bucarest presents a new series of works by Martina Vacheva. Curator Vladiya Mihaylova:
Martina Vacheva has been preparing the exhibition ‘Vlachugane’ for two years. The included works are thought of as a cycle through which the author enters the deep world of images of traditional rituals and their present transformation.
The time after Christmas to St. Jordan's Day/Holy Epiphany in the holiday calendar is particularly dynamic and controversial. This is the time of dirty days, of Voditsi/Waters and winter carnival games, when the New Year and new life are cosmically ‘born’ and the community is recreated.In her works, Martina Vacheva shows the special dynamics of this period of the year in the horizon of extremes, of destruction of the supports of the world and their reconstruction. Hierarchies change and rearrange – above and below, good and bad, new and old, male and female, beyond and within become intertwined, and violence becomes an element of the structuring of the new beginning, of the restoration of order.