Luchezar Boyadjiev belongs to the generation of artists, from the 1980s, who initiated the development of contemporary art in Bulgaria with their experiments, projects and exhibitions. He had studied at the National Art Academy in Sofia and was trained there according to the doctrine of Marxist-Leninist aesthetics. Parallel to the growing insecurity of the Communist Party and the loss of control of the all-dominating Artist Union, a young generation tried to leave the established paths with actions, performances, self-organized exhibitions and art in public space and to come into direct, uncensored contact with the public. He was one of the Bulgarian artists who was exhibited for the first time internationally at the 3rd Istanbul Biennale in 1992. With other artists, he founded the ICA Sofia in 1995, the first independent and self-governing institution for contemporary art in Bulgaria.
The MOMus Contemporary in Salonika dedicated a large overview exhibition to him in 2020 'Luchezar Boyadjiej. Re-building the World of Images. 1991-2019'.