See Me Moving Placeless - Coming soon


See Me Moving Placeless - Coming soon

29 Sep – 21 Nov 2021
Museum for contemporary art, Skopje
See Me Moving Placeless, Dan Perjovschi

More about the artists

    Luchezar Boyadjiev, Alice‘s Hole or the Swamp of Marx-Leninist Aesthetics, 1991

    Luchezar Boyadjiev

    *1957 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Lives and works in Sofia.

    Work: Alice´s Hole or the swamp of Marx-Leninist Aesthetics


    Yane Calovski, Obsessive Setting (Archive Prototype I), 2010

    Yane Calovski

    *1973 in Skopje, Yugoslavia, now North Macedonia. Lives and works in Skopje.

    Work: Obsessive Setting (archive prototype I)


    Jasmina Cibic, Everything that you desire nothing that you fear, 2017

    Jasmina Cibic

    *1979 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Lives and works in London.

    Work: Everything that you desire nothing that you fear


    Danica Dakić, Isola Bella, 2007–2008, Videostill

    Danica Dakić

    *1962 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, now Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lives and works in Sarajevo and Düsseldorf, Germany.

    Work: Isola Bella


    Igor Grubić, East Side Story, 2006–2008, Videostill

    Igor Grubić

    *1969 in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Lives and works in Zagreb.

    Work: East Side Story


    Nilbar Gueres Hexenkraft 2019 Photo Anna Konrath

    Nilbar Güreş

    *1977 in Istanbul, Turkey. Lives and works in Istanbul and Vienna, Austria.

    Work: Hexenkraft


    Petrit Halilaj, You used to fly... (Qëndresa), 01, 2018

    Petrit Halilaj

    *1986 in Kostërrc, Yugoslavia, now Kosovo. Lives and works in Priština, Kosovo, and Berlin, Germany.

    Work: You used to fly, go everywhere and wake up those who are asleep (Qëndresa)


    Flaka Haliti, Its Urgency Got Lost in Reverse (While Being in Constant Delay), 2017, Photo Majlinda Hoxha

    Flaka Haliti

    *1982 in Priština, Yugoslavia, now Kosovo. Lives and works in Munich, Germany.

    Work: Its Urgency Got Lost in Reverse (While Being in Constant Delay)


    Hristina Ivanoska, Untitled (Artist is Not a Civil Servant), 2013

    Hristina Ivanoska

    *1974 in Skopje, Yugoslavia, now North Macedonia. Lives and works in Skopje.

    Work: Untitled (Artist is Not a Civil Servant)


    Pradoliub Ivanov, HALBWAHRHEIT (Half-Truth), 1999–2015, Installation Konzernhaus Deutsche Telekom, Berlin

    Pravdoliub Ivanov

    *1964 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria.

    Work: HALBWAHRHEIT (Half-Truth)


    Sanja Iveković, Women's House (Sunglasses), 2002; work in progress

    Sanja Iveković

    *1949 in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Lives and works in Zagreb.

    Work: Women's House (Sunglasses)


    Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Angel in the Server Room, 2020–2022, Photo Trevor Good

    Hortensia Mi Kafchin

    *1986 in Galați, Romania. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

    Work: Angel in the Server Room


    Alevtina Kakhidze, MAMA 16.01. – 19.01.2019

    Alevtina Kakhidze

    *1973 in Zhdanivka, Ukraine. Lives and works in Muzychi, Ukraine.

    Work: MAMA 16.01. – 19.01.2019


    Šejla Kamerić, Behind the Scene I, 2019

    Šejla Kamerić

    *1976 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, now Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lives and works in Sarajevo and Berlin, Germany.

    Work: Behind the Scenes I


    Bengü Karaduman, Emigration, 2014

    Bengü Karaduman

    * 1974 in Hildesheim, Germany. Lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey.

    Work: Emigration


    Eva Kot'átková, Group Therapy, 2016

    Eva Kot'átková

    *1982 in Prague, Czechia. Lives and works in Prague.

    Work: Group Therapy


    Volodymyr Kuznetsov, How to Deal with the Pigs, 2014

    Volodymyr Kuznetsov

    *1976 in Lutsk, Ukraine. Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine.

    Work: How to Deal with the Pigs


    Little Warsaw, Namig You – Fragement 1. 2. 3., 2014

    Little Warsaw

    Live and work in Budapest, Hungary.

    Work: Naming You


    Vlado Martek, Art Has No Alternative, 2016

    Vlado Martek

    *1951 in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Lives and works in Zagreb.

    Work: Art Has No Alternative


    Ciprian Mureşan, Untitled (Shoelace), 2006, Videostill

    Ciprian Mureşan

    *1977 in Dej, Romania. Lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

    Work: Untitled (shoelace)


    Dan Perjovschi, PEACE, 2022

    Dan Perjovschi

    *1961 in Sibiu, Romania. Lives and works in Sibiu.

    Work: PEACE


    Agnieszka Polska, The Thousand-Year Plan. 2021, photo: Daniel Chrobak

    Agnieszka Polska

    *1985 in Lublin, Poland. Lives and works in Warsaw, Poland.

    Work: The Thousand-Year Plan


    Slavs and Tatars, Salty Sermon, 2020, Photo Tiziano Ercoli and Riccardo Giancola

    Slavs and Tatars

    Founded in 2006. Live and work in Berlin.

    Work: Salty Sermon


    Nedko Solakov, Reality Home, 1990

    Nedko Solakov

    *1957 in Cherven Bryag, Bulgaria. Lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria.

    Work: Reality Home


    Mladen Stilinović, Material Value of Laziness, 2006

    Mladen Stilinović

    *1947 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, now Serbia. Lived in Zagreb, Croatia – died 2016 in Pula, Croatia.

    Work: Material Value of Laziness


    Marko Tadić, Until a Breath of Air, 2014

    Marko Tadić

    *1979 in Sisak, Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.

    Work: Until a Breath of Air


    Trashland, 2020,  Martina Vacheva

    Martina Vacheva

    *1988 Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Lives and works in Plovdiv and Brittany, France.

    Work: Trashland


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