Perjovschi, Dan


Dan Perjovschi

*1961 in Sibiu, Romania. Lives and works in Sibiu.

About Dan Perjovschi

Dan Perjovschi was born in Sibiu, Romania in 1961 and spent his childhood and youth in the Socialist Republic of Romania. Under the neo-Stalinist dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, from 1965 until his execution in 1989, Romania was turned into a total surveillance state.

Dan Perjovschi studied painting at the George Enescu University of the Arts in Iasi. His actual artistic medium, however, has become drawing and language. With a few striking lines, he fixes everyday situations, private moments and public debates in his drawings. He plays with terms and symbols, changes one letter, adds another, and makes the writing itself a graphic statement. What looks so quick and easy to draw, is based on a careful and alert observation of politics, religion, the existential situation and the ethical and moral values ​​behind. With sarcasm he uncovers the hidden, the denied and the lies. With humor, he refers to the amiability of the contradictions in everyday life. With pleasure in intelligence and creativity, he gives an idea of ​​the price society and individuals will have to pay for certain developments. He is one of the most astute commentators of the present day.

Most of his drawings are excuted only temporarily in international museums and at biennials. They will be painted over again after the exhibition. His art does not require expensive transportation. He travels with his sketchbooks, which contain many of the drawings, or which fill up with new ones during the trip. They are the archive for his work.

  • Dan Perjovschi 2012
    Dan Perjovschi
    Chalk Reality (Digital Flair), IFA 2012
  • R EST Romanian Pavilion 48 Biennale di Venezia 1999 Courtesy Gregor Podnar
    rEST, Romanian Pavilion, 48. Biennale di Venezia, 1999
  • White Chalk Dark Issues, Zeche Zollverein Essen, 2003, Courtesy Gregor Podnar
    White Chalk Dark Issues, Zeche Zollverein Essen, 2003
  • Projects85: Dan Perjovschi, Museum of Modern Art, 2007, Photo Thomas Griesel
    Projects85: Dan Perjovschi
    Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2007

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