Iveković, Sanja


Sanja Iveković

*1949 in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, now Croatia. Lives and works in Zagreb.

About Sanja Iveković

In 2011/2012 the Museum of Modern Art in New York set up a retrospective exhibition dedicated to Sanja Ivekovic spreading over nearly 4 decades of work since the late 1968s. Her artistic practice and her engagement and activism for Women's Right, Free Speech and Liberty had a significant influence on the 'New Art Practice' (Nova Umjetnička Praksa) in the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia as a counterpole to the official art.

In Germany, a flowering poppy field in front of the Fridericianum in Kassel might have stayed in good memory. Realized for documenta 12 in 2007, twice a day revolutionary songs by women's choirs from Afghanistan and Croatia were played over loudspeakers.
The artist expressed her hope: 'Now, as the red colour spreads out over the Friedrichs Platz, I have the hope, that it might become a 'Red Square' or 'Red Place' – Maybe the Friedrichs Platz turns into Rosa-Luxemburg Place? – It's really time, that the voices of women are heard.'

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