Documenta 14 in Kassel and Athens


Documenta 14 in Kassel and Athens

10 Jun – 17 Sep 2017
documenta 14, Kassel und Athens

‚Learning from Athens' documenta 14 opens to the public on 10 June 2017. It takes place every five years in different places spreading around the city of Kassel and belongs to one of the internationally most important exhibitions of contemporary art. Four artists of the Art Collection Telekom are participating at documenta 14: Nevin Aladağ, Pavel Brăila, Geta Brătescu und Sanja Iveković.

The artistic director of documenta 14, Adam Szymczyk, established the city of Athens as a second, equally important, exhibition venue of the documenta. It can be seen from 8 April till 16 July 2017. The participating artists present works in both of the cities: Athens and Kassel.
Together with an international team of 17 curators, Adam Szymczyk reacted to the political situation of the world and invites the public to develop new perspectives on the supposedly world order.

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