'PÓŁPRAWDA | HALF–TRUTH' shows around 40 works by 27 aritsts. The title refers to a work of Bulgarian artist Pravdoliub Ivanov. On a banner installed over the entrance of the Krolikarnia is written the horizontal half of the word PÓŁPRAWDA. The missing part is installed inside the palace. The conceptual game with the meaning of the word is a guideline for the exhibition. It is reflection about the role of the classical category of Truth in contemporary art.
The artists represented in the exhibition are coming from countries, which have been for decades under the influence of Communist ideologies. They all share the experience of living in societies, what had to face significant changes in the past three decades. The radical transformation puts into question concepts of identity and makes a new orientation with new social and ethical rules and behaviour necessary. Contemporary Art acompanies and reflects this process of radical chnage.
Parallel the western orientated and dominated art history is getting rewritten and new chapters are added by a growing global differentiation. The diverse cultural develepments, histories and reference systems enforce a complete new understanding of the many art histories in the different cultural spheres. The Art Collection Telekom has the intention to strengthen this modified views on our complex reality.
Curated by Nathalie Hoyos, Rainald Schumacher and Ewa Kozik, National Museum for Sculpture.
Special performance with Katarzyna Krakowiak.